APPLICATIONS - Schools, Bin Stores, Domestic, Low Level Demarcation, Stock Fence
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION - Various Types of Timber Fencing, Timber Knee Rail, Timber Post & Rail, Timber Featheredge, Timber Paling, Timber Hit & Miss
FINISH - Tanalised or Tanatone External Treated
All of Our Timber Components are Sustainably Sourced and FSC Accredited
Any Height Can be Achieved Dependent on Style of Fencing
APPLICATION- Schools, Bin Stores, Domestic, Motorways, Railways, Animal Homing Centres
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION - Timber Acoustic Fencing is Used When a Reduction in Noise is Needed Between Two Areas. This Product is Great for Use at The Side of Busy Roads, to The Perimeter of a Housing Estate or to Secure Premises That House Loud Animals Such as Rehoming Centres. Can Either be Installed on Timber Posts or Steel (Steel predominantly above 2.40m high)
FINISH - Tanalised or Tanatoned Externally Treated
All of Our Timber Products are Sustainably Sourced and FSC Accredited
For Further Details and Information Regarding Noise Reduction That Timber Acoustic Fencing Offers Please Contact UsĀ